problem we solve

Overcome major hurdles in debt collection

From high debt collection costs to outdated processes, improve cash flow & scale efficiently. Let MEGA debt collection bot help you say goodbye to all the debt recovery problems.

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AI Debt Recovery Tool

Expensive debt retrieval process

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Collect debt in a smart way without spending on manual debt collection. Reduce debt collection costs by up to 60%.

Save 60% on your debt collection budget.

Why spend on debt collection, when you have a smart and easy way out.

Chance upon a credible way to collect debt through MEGA, and collect debt as well as gain more profit.

AI Debt Recovery Tool
Cost-efficient solution
More cash collected

Boost cash flow

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Release trapped financial resources & give a boost to your cash flow. Be a reliable source to your other customers.

Recover 75% more debt!

Leverage the power of MEGA’s automated AI debt collector to enhance business resilience.

Empower your customers by improving your cash liquidity, and retain more customers.

AI Debt Recovery Tool
Better cash rotation
More customers benefited

Tackle manpower gaps

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Address staff shortages with AI-powered debt collection, and also save on legal fees that comes with DCA.  

Don’t rely on third-party resources

Too much debt to collect, but men too few & very expensive? Not anymore with MEGA.

Stop relying on third party manpower, and let your in-house product - MEGA do the work for you.

AI Debt Recovery Tool
Less use of manpower
Less legal fees
With Mega.AI, we’ve transformed our debt collection process end-to-end. The personalized approach optimizes collections and recovery, leveraging cutting-edge technology for tailored issue resolution.
Geordie Miles
Managing Director for Spark Group
With Mega.AI, we’ve transformed our debt collection process end-to-end. The personalized approach optimizes collections and recovery, leveraging cutting-edge technology for tailored issue resolution.
Geordie Miles
Managing Director for Spark Group

Uninterrupted progress

Connect with us today

Don’t let debt collection hold you back, scale without worries, and rotate money in the market, promptly.

Keep your business moving forward

Outdated debt processes can be a hurdle for your business growth.

With MEGA's amazing debt collection strategies, keep your business moving forward.

AI Debt Recovery Tool
Seamless integration
Faster repayment of debt

Cultivate a positive approach to debt recovery

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Let debt recovery be your opportunity to establish strong bond with your customers. Retain more customers.

Strengthen brand loyalty

Manual debt collection always results in bad customer relationships.

With MEGA, collect debt strategically, and retain customers happily.

AI Debt Recovery Tool
Decrease in human agent call time
Happy customers retained

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about MEGA and how it can help the debt collection industry.
Is MEGA AI voice bot based on CPRI regulations? 
Yes, our voice bot -MEGA AI is designed to comply with CPRI (Consumer Protection Regulation Initiative) regulations, ensuring that it adheres to guidelines for consumer rights and data protection during interactions.
Does MEGA follows all the ethical guidelines?
Yes, at MEGA, we adhere to all the ethical guidelines, ensuring transparency, data privacy, and user protection in every interaction. We comply with industry standards to provide a responsible and secure experience for users, keeping ethical practices at the forefront of ouroperations.
How long will it take to integrate MEGA in our existing system? 
Firstly, we will discuss the requirements of your industry, and then we will proceed to integrate the AI voice bot in your system. It can take up 2-6 days.

Cut debt collection costs by 50%—watch your institution thrive!

Our AI-driven platform ensures you keep more of the profit while maintaining customer relationships—no need for human intervention or third-party reliance.

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